LMS Parent Teacher Organization
Get Involved with the PTO!
As you know with starting a new school, fundraising is key to supporting the building, staff support and student support needs of the school. We are excited about some ways we have for you to partner with us this year. Here are some ways you can support Legacy Middle School:
- Corporate Sponsorships
- Spirit Wear Sales
- Spirit Nights
- Kroger Cares Partnership
- Publix Partners
- Box Tops for Education
- Amazon Smile
- New Student Yard Signs
PTO Information and Links
Learn about all the LMS PTO has to offer.
- Join the PTO
- Explore Volunteer Opportunities
- Join PTO activities
Find all of this and more on the on the LMS PTO Website.
PTO Executive Board
President - Meagan Contella
Vice President - Renee Penix
Secretary - Cami Wright
Treasurer - Michelle Robinson
PTO Committees
The LMS PTO is very active throughout the school year. If you would like to get involved and join one of the many committees that are in place, please contact the committee chair below for more information.
Athletics - Derek Robinson
Beautification - Von Wotring
Fine Arts - Heather Beard
Fundraising - TBD
Hospitality - Jill Coulter
Spirit Wear - Laura Sager
Volunteers - TBD