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Lions Student Athletes Opportunities

The Legacy Middle School Athletics Program offers student athletes several opportunities to be part of a sports team.

Click on each season for a list of sports offered per season.


The Legacy Middle School Athletic Department and sports teams model the vision and expectations of Williamson County Schools.

Our Goals are:

  • Create positive student-athlete opportunities
  • Promote Responsibility and Integrity
  • Succeed and win championships
  • Add value to the LMS community
  • Provide memorable fan experiences

As Lions athletes, students will make a commitment to themselves, their teammates and the athletic program to follow the expectations of being an athlete. Legacy Middle offers a wide variety of sports in fall, late fall, winter and spring seasons.

For a detailed listing of each sport, please view the individual sports page. Scheduled sporting events can be found on our LMS calendar here.

For more information about our Athletics department, please contact our Athletics Director, Mr. Kyle Lo porto.

 Final Forms

To register an athlete in FinalForms:

  1. Log on and create/update a parent account at: FinalForms
  2. Parents must complete each individual section found in the menu on the left side of the page and “electronically sign” (type your name) where appropriate.
  3. Once all sections are completed, print the PPE Physical Form. Take this with you to your child’s annual physical appointment with a physician. The medical information you completed will automatically be entered on to the actual form. The doctor will complete their appropriate section and return to you.
  4. Provide your child’s coach with a copy of the signed physical form prior to participating in any athletic activities.
  5. Once the parent section is completed, FinalForms will send the student an email that he or she must use to electronically sign several participation forms.

By registering on FinalForms you will be included on team emails and updates from the coaching staff. 

Learn more about Williamson County Schools athletic guidelines and requirements and complete the electronic athletic forms required for participation in athletics.

Adidas ECOM Partnership Program

Williamson County Schools has teamed up with Adidas in their ECOM Partnership Program. The program offers discount codes specific to each school and Adidas donates 10% of the total spent back to the selected school as a fundraiser. 

The Legacy Middle School code is LMSADP20 .