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LMS Programs and Course Offerings


LMS provides a variety of program opportunities. Alongside a strong focus on academics, LMS also brings forth several programs like Athletics, Extracurricular Activities, Theater Arts and much more. 

Below you will find detailed information about all Academics and Programs.

Course Offerings

The main goal of Legacy Middle School is to provide an enriched academic environment that meets the diverse needs of our student population. In order to meet this goal, we provide sixth through eighth-grade students with instruction in four core academic areas:  mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies.

Below are the 2023 - 2024 Course Catalogs for each of the grade levels.  These course catalogs contain academic course descriptions and requirements.

6th Grade Course Catalog

7th Grade Course Catalog

8th Grade Course Catalog

Related Arts

At LMS, we call our Related Arts classes Connections. During those two periods of the day, students get a chance to connect with each other and discover a subject they might not be familiar with. Navigate through the menu to the Related Arts section to discover what our Connections teachers have in store for you!

School Counseling

Our School Counselors are here to help your students navigate through the middle school years. It goes fast, but sometimes we all need a little help! Navigate through the menu to the School Counseling section to discover what services are offered at LMS!


Our Athletics Program is a very young one, but we are a force to reckon with! We offer all sports offered in other middle schools throughout our county. Navigate through the menu to the Athletics Section to see when specific sports are in session and what is needed to tryout!

Extracurricular Activities

LMS offers a multitude of Extracurricular Activities. Our teachers step up and lead our students in several clubs and teams whether it be as an academic-based club like Math Mini Mu, or Science Olympiad, or as a service-based club like Student Council, or National Junior Honor Society. Whatever your students like, there is a club for them! Navigate through the menu to the Extracurricular Section to discover what LMS has to offer!

Media Center

The Media Center, or as we call it at LMS, the Learning Commons, is open all day every day. It is also home to our broadcasting studio. Broadcasting is a connection or related arts class offered to our 8th graders. Navigate through the menu to the Media Center section to see what it has to offer! 
